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through the embroidery hole

Embroidery on linen, variable dimensions, 2019-2022 Embroiderers: V. Vyunitskaya, A. Geisen, E. Reznik.

In Ukraine, embroidery is still important for decorating clothes, household linens and ritual objects. I revived traditional cross-stitch embroidery to represent the migratory space through plants. By doing the embroidery on both sides of the fabric, it becomes a three-dimensional space. There is no front, no back, the fabric is a single space where threads, such as plant roots, pass from one surface to another through the holes in the linen weft. ​

Views of the exhibition "Unweaving, Unveiling: Chiral Landscapes of Exile", L'Imagier, Gatineau, 2022. Photos: G. L'Heureux.

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